Tuesday, August 09, 2005

mmm, some investments just have to be made. then much thought will go into carrying it in hand baggage and not checking it in because everybody loses bags all the time. and many other subsequent anxieties.
the dissertation will always only be incidental. when it happens that is.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Burnt Sambar

When someone with a fairly great track record with making sambar, screws up very badly, you know nothing is going right. Things could probably get worse, though I can't imagine what could be worse! This is a nightmare from hell. A miserable birthday and a week that's ending with a morning that feels like shit is not good. I need to talk to my hanif.
I wish this was not happening.
Whatever happened to being happy?!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

people who write lovely emails that make your day should be awarded.
nice it will be then.
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