Friday, November 05, 2004

today we are announcing the end of first leg of painful funding application procedure. today we are too mind-dead to feel happy or relieved. today, we spent too much on postage and are feeling disgusted. it is also the end hopefully of nasssssssty mood swings and bite-ur-head off days. it may be the beginning of getting back into the real world to mail people we have lost touch with, enjoy the drink without wanting it to stimulate proposal thoughts, sleep to wake up to many musics, work without mind always wandering to dreaded 10-page shitty proposal, drink coffee not because we have to stay up in the middle of the afternoon and meet G1 and G2 for fun and not in fear.
today we will go home and not think, clean room and look at stationery.

abhaaaaaaaa its over.
oh and i take back everything i said about certain 11 men and wish and hope that creep who was out of circulation for last two test matches stays out!!!

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