Wednesday, April 21, 2004

You know all that they say about the great White people, its all true. They have this manner of overwhelming you with thier knowledge, oh and its been just such a wonderful experience. I'd like to acknowledge the greatness of the white mind for introducing me to concepts like the sewage system and innuendos. And then I would like to thank them for being appreciative of how well I have learnt THE language (please remember to thank the colonizers at the next awards night. tele-prompt it for god's sake!) and I am indeed touched by thier efforts to understand that because I come from that little brown country in the poor pathetic East, I'm must (surely now!) be coming from the villages. oh the lovely white benevolent mind. It is such a fresh breath of warm patronizing that it almost makes me want to vent that niggling atavistic urge to wag back my tongure from this poor pathetic brown body.
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